Monday, October 9, 2006


I am not sure if Sam really understands all our talk about "baby"...but today he had a small realization. While we were laying down for a nap the baby started kicking me and I asked Sam if he wanted to feel the baby kick. He said, "baby kick?" and put his hand on my tummy and then little Arlo gave a HUGE kick and turn and Sam perked up and smiled and squealed and said, "baby kick!" It was so great. I felt as if he did understand that there is a little person in there. I asked him after dinner if he was ready for the baby to come out of my tummy and he said, "baby go." I am not sure if that meant yes, or if it meant that he wanted the baby to go away! I think (hope) he meant that he wants to the baby to come out! I do too!
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