Monday, August 29, 2005

Moved and Lovin' It!

The moving went fairly easy over the weekend. Actually I dreaded it so much that I was grumpy for the first few hours, but after our first major load was done and I could see progress, I perked up. Our new neighbors helped carry our things up all our stairs. They are an amazing family, a divorced mom and 3 kids. Very friendly, very compassionate and just great people to be around. So, all of our things are here and we are slowly getting unpacked and it feels so good. I managed to paint the kitchen and two bedrooms last week, which has definitely made the move much easier. Now the kitchen and the upstairs bathroom are unpacked, Sam's room is mostly there and we're getting closer on our bedroom. There just isn't enough nap time! I hosted a playgroup today, even though we're still swimming in boxes. It was great fun, but what a difference from playgroups back in Kansas. The moms came around 10 am and only 2 stayed for a while, but by noon, everyone was gone! Only 2 hours of playing! Man, back in KS we'd have day long playgroups and they were great!! I did enjoy myself and so did Sam. He took a great nap this afternoon and allowed me to unpack more. After nap time we played in the yard and I trimmed up some rose bushes and we went up and down all of our stairs. Sam loves the stairs and loves climbing...and he is quite good too. We finally went inside for a while and I was reading while he played. He brought his baby to me and I pretended to nurse the baby, asking him if it was okay if I shared the milk with the baby. He laughed and thought it was great to see me nursing his baby. I burped the baby and handed it back to him telling him that the baby was full and was ready to play. He handed the baby back to me and said in actual words, "Mama, baby want..." and then he signed "more" and then "milk"! I couldn't believe it! So I nursed the baby some more and we played this game for a while, going back and forth. He amazes me! Tomorrow I am taking the neighbors kids and Sam to the Farmer's Market and it should be great fun!

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