Monday, June 26, 2006

Ultrasound Wednesday

When I was pregnant with Sam we opted not to have an ultrasound and it wasn't until I was 7 or 8 months pregnant that our midwives thought we might be having twins and ordered one! So, we went and it was the worst experience of my life. To make a long story short...the tech had no bedside manners and basically eluded that our baby had some kind of heart defect. We left the hospital in tears. I had hoped the ultrasound would alleviate my fears of deformities and such. As it turned out, Sam was fine. We waited to find out the sex until the birth day and that was fun.
This time we are going to find out...assuming that the baby cooperates....and just for the record, 2 days before the ultrasound, I think we're having a girl. We'll see! I am also looking forward to seeing the little critter and having a much more positive experience. I'd like to have prints of the pictures this time too.
This morning my girlfriend Stacy came by with her son Jaadyn and while the boys played outside in the 100 degree heat (they wanted too, I promise!) we organized baby/toddler clothes (inside in the AC) and I got a pretty good idea of what I have that can be used again should this be a girl. I have a fair amount since we did not find out with Sam, lots of yellows and greens...very safe for either sex.
So think good ultrasound thoughts for us and I'll post as soon as I have more news!

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