Monday, February 27, 2006

Back Home

We're back home after 3 days in Seattle with friends and family. Matt's mom and dad flew up from CA to visit and they took Sam Friday night, Saturday and Saturday night, while Matt and I stayed with some dear friends from college. We were away from Sam for the longest period of time yet and it was fun, but really hard the second night. I was so happy see him Sunday morning and he was so happy see me. It was the best greeting I have had from him yet...smiles and squeals and kisses and hugs! I will never forget it!

Our nights away were very enjoyable and very mellow and relaxing. We went out to dinner and had great Indian food one night, we spent 3 hours in a giant Goodwill and found piles of fabulous books, picture frames and goodies. We went to a huge asian market and explored the aisles of strange foods and fish. We drank wine and played was wonderful. Doug and Amy were friends of ours from Bozeman and we have a strange story...

I moved to Bozeman 1997 with my boyfriend at the time, Tim. We lived in a small apartment and after 8 months we broke up, but were still living together. I had a girlfriend I was moving in with, but hadn't found a place yet and thus hadn't told my landlord I was leaving. While at work one day ( a sporting goods store selling shoes) Amy came in and I sold her a pair of running shoes. She was wearing a mickey mouse t-shirt and we talked and she seemed pretty cool, but told me she was just in town for a few days to find a place to live for her and her boyfriend (Doug, who was in Alaska fishing). They would be moving to Bozeman that summer, 1998.

Later that day I was back at home, alone (my girlfriend and ex had gone camping made me depressed...but they were just friends) when Amy appeared at my front door. She asked if there was an apartment for rent in the area. Mine was going to be for rent, but wasn't yet and we talked. I had not told her where I lived when I met her earlier that was just random circumstance that she found my apartment.

She and Doug ended up renting our apartment that summer and then moving to a larger place upstairs in the same building where they lived the whole time there were in Bozeman. Well, in the fall of 1998 I was working for a retail store and hadn't seen Doug or Amy for a few weeks (we'd become good pals) and Doug came into my workplace and we started chatting. He asked what was new and I told him I was dating a new guy I really liked. Doug asked who and I said he probably didn't know him, but his name was Matt Grieshop. Doug did know him and he and Amy were good friends with Matt, in fact.

So, needless to say, the 4 of us have been great friends ever since then...nearly 10 years. We used to spend great times together in Bozeman. They moved to Seattle in 1999 or early 2000 and were very happy to hear we were moving to Wenatchee! We see them every few weeks now and it is so nice. Doug and Amy are the kind of friends you don't meet very often, but when you do you have them for life.

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