Thursday, April 14, 2011

True Story

Today was a very strange day for me. I felt energy in the air; a sort of enlightenment occurred. I was surrounded by new life.

This morning, my dear friend Pam, gave birth to her second child, a daughter, Ruby Sue.
While she was laboring, birthing and cuddling her new daughter, I was visiting with her mother and father-in-law in her living room.

An hour later I was doing some graphic design work at a coffee shop and exchanged emails with another expecting friend. She had agreed to encapsulate Pam's placenta in exchange for a henna tattoo on her swollen belly, but in the last few days had been experiencing early signs of labor, despite her due date being nearly 2 weeks away. I offered to encapsulate Pam's placenta and stopped by her house to borrow some supplies. It was lovely to see her as I hadn't in a while. She mentioned watching Otis' birth video for inspiration. I was so moved, I didn't know what to say.

Within 30 minutes or so, I arrived at the birth center to retrieve Pam's placenta. My timing must have been right, because they were amazingly accepting and invited me in to meet their hours-old, sweet girl. I held her and immediately had an overwhelming desire to be with Otis. There is unexplainable energy surrounding new life.

On my drive home I remembered, vividly, Otis' birth and how I felt in the hours after. Today I felt similar things. It was very spiritual in a sense. Rare.

After preparing Pam's placenta to dry this evening, I learned that my friend who loaned me the materials to do so, gave birth to her fifth child, a son.

Wow. True story.


Heather said...

the energy you felt in the air was filled with love. I never get tired of it, the power and strength of women, the tenderness of the moment when a baby comes into the world and the moments that follow. their dance afterwards. it is beautiful and immeasurable. each baby and mama are so unique, yet universally the same. perfect.

luke and pamela said...

love this day.

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