Thursday, May 18, 2006

Sam is TWO!

Well, it is the big day! Sam's second birthday and I am in total disbelief, but I really do love this age. We went through a rough spot at about 20 months, but since things have been great and I am not sure why they're called the "terrible two's"...yet anyway!

At two Sam:

  • Loves to play with his cars, trucks, boats...anything that will "go, go, go", as he likes to say frequently.

  • Has some language skills, uses a few words such as, "more", "please", "go,", "NO!"...and a few muddled phrases like, "Where did it go?" and "Go away, please", which he says to the dog when he is trying to steal Sam's snacks.

  • Puts himself to sleep in his big boy twin bed that beloged to his father, grandmother and great-grandfather.

  • Sleeps usually until 6 a.m. then joins us in our bed and sometimes sleeps longer.

  • Is completely weaned, as of about 22 or 23 months of age and it quite fine with it. He adjusted well and never asks for milk anymore, but will still talk about it when he sees my exposed breasts!

  • Is beginning to share very well and show compassion for others when they are upset. He is also beginning to understand that his actions have reactions, such as taking a toy from his friend will make his friend cry.

  • Is showing signs of being a somewhat disciplined boy! Or I should write that he is listening to directions and requests with much more respect than ever before! I like that!

  • Is extremely energetic, enthusiastic and exuberant! He has more personality than most kids his age here. I am not just biased! He will express himself with fabulous shouts of joy, grunts of distaste, screams of anger. All of his emotions are amplified compared to his friends. I really enjoy it.

  • Enjoys the movie "Robots" and almost any book you'll read to him. He will now sit through 4 or 5 books before bed and really likes the "Little Monster" and "Little Critter" series from the late '70's and "Duck on a Bike" is still a big favorite.

  • Weighs about 30 lbs and I am not sure of his height...but will measure him soon. He wears a 3T consistently now and his shoe size is an 8/9!

  • Still enjoys cuddling with mama and I LOVE it. He will sometimes take a nap laying on my chest on the couch.

  • LOVES daddy and looks forward to his homecoming everyday...loves to help with yardwork and generally be outside.
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