Friday, November 24, 2006

No Babe Yet

No babe yet...and I am okay with that! It all still feels impending, but I have been finding some fun stuff to do around the house and I know that will end when baby arrives, so I am enjoying this time.

Sam and I did a little running around town today and I am all set up to knit Arlo a Christmas stocking, make some pillows for a friend and all the quilt squares are cut and ready to sew for Arlo's quilt. We also bought a couple Christmas wreaths and I did a little light yard work and outdoor decorating this morning with lots of help from Sam.

I am feeling pretty good! Sarah (doula, good friend, massage therapist, for those of you who don't know her name by now) came by on Wednesday and gave me another amazing massage allowing me to sleep the last two nights without hip pain!! She is amazing and I attribute most of my late pregnancy energy and flexibility to her! I went mushroom hunting for 2 hours on Wednesday afternoon and yesterday morning, Matt, Sam and I went for an hour-long walk!! It has been nice to get this "second" wind...I know it will not last!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

I will post when I go into labor (if there is time), so don't be wondering too much if there isn't much written about baby in the upcoming days....

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Closer and Closer

We met with our midwife last night and she checked me again...this time 70-80% effaced and 2 cm dilated. I can tell we're getting very close. When I stand up I feel so much pressure from his head and sometimes I can't even walk it hurts so much! I remember feeling very different in the days before Sam arrived and this is similar. I checked my self on Sunday and lost part of my mucus plug in the process, but was very easily able to find my cervix all squooshy and ripe and tell that I was at 2 cm, so I wasn't too surprised at what the midwife had to say last night...very cool!

We're meeting with our doula tomorrow night for a last pow-wow about the birth and a massage! Send good birthing vibes my way.....

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Yesterday a group of women gathered at a local cafe to give me a baby shower. It was more traditional, in a sense, than the mother blessing I had last weekend...though it was still a wonderful afternoon. Each woman was asked to tell the story of how she met me and what about me spurred them to want to get to know me better. It was hard to listen to all these fantastic women tell me how fabulous I am!! The stories were all so varied yet, the reasons they wanted to become friends with me were all quite similar. Aside from having children in common, many of the women said that they love how open and accepting I am. I was so happy to hear that! They were also very thankful for the attachment parenting group I have established...they spoke of how important the group has become to all of them. Hearing that made me the most happy! I have wanted so much to create an AP group here that allows attachment parenting families to have the support and comradery that I found in my AP group in KS.

After receiving all the baby goodies yesterday I moved into major nesting mode today! All I have wanted to do is get diapers situated and clothes all washed and put away. We needed to figure out a new place to store diapers so there was enough dresser space for clothes and that was more complicated than it should have been! This is the first time I have felt the nesting urge and it feels good and I am now beginning to really realize how close this baby is to arriving.

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