I've been trying to decide the best way to acknowledge the one year anniversary of my mom's death. Such a strange anniversary to celebrate, but that is what I did last night. Matt is out of town and I put the boys to bed early. A few women I am growing to love came to help me celebrate my mom. It was really nice. We talked and drank wine and laughed...just what my mom would have wanted. Of course, all day I played the "one-year ago today" game and I imagine as the years pass I will continue to play that game and eventually it will get easier. This year has been such a time of change for us and I am looking forward to settling in and being still for a while.
Still no word on the house loan. We were supposed to close on January 22nd, but after the Bank of America bought out Country Wide Mortgage, our closing has been delayed numerous times. Our latest closing date is this Monday the 4th, but if we don't close then we will find a new mortgage company to work with. If that happens we might not close for another two week. The waiting game is hard and is beginning to be a stressful element in our lives. We continue to dream about the house and land and know that in a matter of weeks
we'll be in and all this will seem like a distant thought! On Sunday we went for a nice walk in the woods of the Fenner Nature Center that borders our new land to the West and North. This photo was taken in the magical grove of trees just north of our land! It is such a wonderful place with amazing woodland energy. I can't wait to play in the trees with the boys this Spring! The walk was great too. We crossed paths with a number of X-C skiers...and right out our back door!

Arlo is now cutting about 4 or 5 teeth, as far as I can tell. He's been a bit cranky today wanting to nurse A LOT! You can see how I spent my morning! So sweet, but after the 10th nurse in three hours, I thought for sure I'd go nuts...my sweet boy is napping now, thank goodness.
He's also starting to repeat a lot of words! We hear him say "popcorn", "go", "more", and today I heard "daddy". It is pretty amazing. Our communication is so easy. He signs a lot and that fills in any verbal gaps we might have.
With Matt in Washington, I have been with the boys 24/7 and am hanging in there pretty good. I usually enjoy the first couple days he is gone, then I get tired! I hired a babysitter to come on Sunday afternoon so I can attend two knitting gatherings! I am very excited and I will be very ready for a break from the boys by then.
Matt took this great picture of me knitting and cuddling with Sam last weekend. I love it.
Andy's socks are almost done! I am about 2/3 of the way through the second sock. I'd like to be done early next week.
I am hosting our home school preschool group on Monday and have started some ideas. Our theme is "friendship". There will be more about that later...