We've been home from CA since Monday night. We returned a day early, missing the redwoods, because I had food poisoning. That should really tell you how the trip was. It was not the greatest of family vacations....but I know from watching Chevy Chase movies (kidding!) that not all vacations are good ones. So we're all glad to be back home just in time for spring!
Sam is back at pr

We found a nice, used double jogging stroller while in CA...just in time for me to get out and enjoy the spring weather. I went on three great walks this week, two of which I was alone with the boys and I jogged half the distance. It feels good to have my body back...except I did wear TWO jogging bras to get enough support for my big milk boobies! I have always known women who needed to do that, but never thought I'd be one of them....anyway, the jogging was great! It also puts both boys either to sleep or in this in between state of coma and silent. I need that at some point in my day...especially because....
Sam will not stop talking! It is constant and though we can now understand 90% of what he says...it is constant! I mostly love his talking, the conversations we have. He expresses emotions to me now..."my sad, mommy", and I can ask him why and he'll tell me, "my hit window with hammer and daddy mad"....true conversation.
Arlo had his 4 month well-baby visit yesterday...2 weeks late (we're always late with that stuff...). H

He is sleeping a bit better at night, only waking 2-3 or so times and I feel mostly rested in the mornings...still no teeth, but his feet are pretty cool and he can now wiggle just right, in this one position, around his chub rolls to just get his left toe in his mouth. He can't get the right toe, just the left and only barely!

Matt has been working a lot and I am quickly remembering what it is like during the field season. Our evening meal has been bumped to nearly 7 pm and bedtimes are later now too. I find myself wanting to pull out my hair about 4:30 pm or so and that seems to be the best time to go for a walk!
We'll travel to Michigan sometime the first week of May to see the town and check out housing. We're pretty excited for that.