This is the "All About Me" poster Sam and I had to make for school. It was his first homework assignment. I love the "hot dog train" and the trail-a-bike drawing he asked me to make.

Sam and I worked on a quilt together for his nap time at school. He requested the quilt when we first learned that he would be taking a nap. The process started with us looking in my fabric stash. He found the red bug fabric ( I bought 8 years ago to make Matt boxers, never did...good thing) and then we found the red cotton (bought about 5 years ago and made Pat a table cloth). From there he told me he wanted his name on the front and we went to the fabric store. He chose the batik green and yellow fabric for the bug body and the shiny wing fabric. Over a week of nap times he would play in the sewing room while I sewed. He loved watching it all come together. Then he and I looked at fonts on the computer. He chose the "varsity" style because he said it looks like a baseball shirt! We printed his name out and then cut out the letters in the fabric. At his orientation last week we learned that the kids needed pillows as well and Sam requested a matching, you see I used some scraps and it all looks pretty nice. He is very happy with it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
First Day
Today is a day of firsts...Sam's first day of school, Arlo's first day without a big brother around all day, and my first day with Sam gone all day. WOW! I simply can not believe this day has come.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Last Week
- had a toothache
- went to the dentist
- had the tooth pulled
- now has a "tooth hole"
- put the tooth next to his bed for the tooth fairy (who came tonight, shhhh)
- went school shopping and acquired new Spiderman shoes and lunchbox
- went to preschool orientation and met his new teachers
- added "bee" and "hello" to his list of words which includes so many words his mama can't even list them
- caused his mother to say "OH, ARLO!" approximately 500 times
- fell asleep in a pile of blankets next to the bonfire we had last night
- intentionally farted in his mama's face while getting a diaper change
- did 5 loads of laundry over the weekend to help his lovely wife catch up
- harvested all the buckwheat in the garden using a borrowed scythe
- built an amazing bonfire for his family and some close friends
- taught another week of his class which is challenging him in good ways
- harvested and ate approximately one dozen pears from his pear tree
- finally had enough energy to keep up with her three very busy boys...
- but didn't have quite enough energy to post a long list of recent photos....soon to come....
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