I have been waiting to make an update here about the pregnancy and the "waiting game" until I had a few more recent belly shots to share. It just so happens that my friend, midwife, and beloved photographer, Shelie came by yesterday, last minute and we had a little photo session! It was so much fun and I am really glad we got to do it before baby arrives (soon, we hope).
Have a look and enjoy! She is a great photographer and I don't think I have ever had nicer photographs taken of me (except by my dear love, Lisa!)...even as big and round as I am right now! I feel very lucky to have these images to document my final pregnancy. I am 39 1/2 weeks in all of these.

At last week's appointment my fundal height measured 44cm, which is the largest I have ever measured! For those of you who are pregnancy ignorant, you "usually" measure the same number cm as weeks pregnant you are! I was 39 weeks at that measurement. Now I usually measure a few cm larger than weeks pregnant, but this is a large jump for me. We have another appointment tomorrow and I will update again after that. I have been having lots of contractions, some just toning contractions and some that are pretty strong and require some minor breathing to get through. I can't tell when this guy will come. I feel like it could happen at any moment and then I also feel like it could still be a week! We'll just have to wait and see I guess! Please feel free to call and check in. I am not at the point where phone calls are annoying and I welcome the distraction! The boys are getting very anxious, as are we all!
*Updated Update* After a check up today with the midwife, I am 4 cm dilated and 50% effaced...things are moving along!