I have been waiting to make an update here about the pregnancy and the "waiting game" until I had a few more recent belly shots to share. It just so happens that my friend, midwife, and beloved photographer, Shelie came by yesterday, last minute and we had a little photo session! It was so much fun and I am really glad we got to do it before baby arrives (soon, we hope).
Have a look and enjoy! She is a great photographer and I don't think I have ever had nicer photographs taken of me (except by my dear love, Lisa!)...even as big and round as I am right now! I feel very lucky to have these images to document my final pregnancy. I am 39 1/2 weeks in all of these.

At last week's appointment my fundal height measured 44cm, which is the largest I have ever measured! For those of you who are pregnancy ignorant, you "usually" measure the same number cm as weeks pregnant you are! I was 39 weeks at that measurement. Now I usually measure a few cm larger than weeks pregnant, but this is a large jump for me. We have another appointment tomorrow and I will update again after that. I have been having lots of contractions, some just toning contractions and some that are pretty strong and require some minor breathing to get through. I can't tell when this guy will come. I feel like it could happen at any moment and then I also feel like it could still be a week! We'll just have to wait and see I guess! Please feel free to call and check in. I am not at the point where phone calls are annoying and I welcome the distraction! The boys are getting very anxious, as are we all!
*Updated Update* After a check up today with the midwife, I am 4 cm dilated and 50% effaced...things are moving along!
look what a beauty you are...and your boys. I remember the waiting, wondering, inactivity (probably not you though, with two already). Thanks for the package! I too can't wait for the birth story. I truly admire your giving birth at home...in that lovely home of yours. We'd love to come visit someday.
#1 - You are beautiful!
#2 - You look at peace... esp the one on the bed. I am so glad that you got back in your house before the big day!
#3 - With all my own distractions, your pregnancy has flown by for me! I can't believe that you are almost full term.
Hang in there, I can't wait to hear little Otis' story.
Oh, yes... #4 The boys are so big! Enjoy every last drop through your last trip through babyland!
You look fantastic! What great photos...I love seeing the photos of the big brothers, waiting, too. How sweet, and it's so nice to see you in your beautiful home all ready for Otis to arrive. Can't wait to see a photo of all five of you, too!
Hey you! You look so beautiful! We look forward to hearing about Otis' birth!
Love, peace, best wishes,
Michel + Nik
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