Saturday, May 19, 2012

At Home

 Upon our return from travels in late January, we were tired. So very tired. We hunkered down inside our cozy, warm home and did very little. Celebrated a few birthdays quietly, a little creativity happened, some farm planning; but otherwise we enjoyed the stillness of winter...
at home.

The seasons are changing once again and as the trees awaken with dustings of color, so has our family. We've been digging in the dirt and planting seeds, caring for sweet new life here on our farm (which really is a small farm now, with a name and a tractor and everything!) and selling a few dozen eggs here and there. It feels so good.

It also feels very hard. We have commitments that are tiring sometimes and long days are back again. This pace will continue until the harvest is done and all the canned goods have been shelved in the cellar. I am so tired already and June hasn't even arrived.

The garden is going in slowly. We work on it when we can and quite consistently when weather and schedules allow. Most evenings after dinner we are in the garden, though Matt more than me lately, as I have been recovering from a more intense bought of laryngitis.

The end of the year school activities have begun with field trips, music concerts, field days, volunteer teas, fundraising auctions and carnivals! Along with continued volunteer work and photo shoots!

Yikes. We are crazy.
So, you'll forgive me if this post turned into a rant about our over-extended lives.

I have a good excuse.
 I am crazy.
I captured a rainbow on an afternoon drive to pick up the boys at school, March 2012.


 As of yesterday at 5:56 p.m. central time, we have an 8 year old living in our house.
He's an almost 3rd grader who reads all the time. Loves fantasy and adventure of all types and really loves science, but always says he loves art "just as much"...which makes this artistic mother feel good.

These photos were taken in March and he's had his hair cut very short since then.

After a long absence from writing...I think I am back for a bit.

There will be more words to accompany more photographs very soon...we're almost there.
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