Sam requested a 4 tier cake, "like the wedding cakes" and so I dutifully did my best with cake and frosting and added a lot of fruit...his favorite. He was quite happy.

"Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus" by Mo Willems has been Sam's favorite book all spring. He was amazingly surprised when one of his friends gave him the pigeon as a birthday gift.
Sam is SO creative, always wanting to "make something". Sometime his ideas are beyond what we can handle here (like welding a catapult), but sometimes we can indulge his creative quests.
For spirit day at his Montessori school he was asked to dress up like his favorite book character. He chose pigeon and we made a pigeon costume.
For spirit day at his Montessori school he was asked to dress up like his favorite book character. He chose pigeon and we made a pigeon costume.

There are days when I don't know what I would do without Sam's help. He is an amazing oldest brother; always helping his little brothers with chores, reading, making Lego constructions...you name it and he helps with it. He's been doing regular chores including putting away his laundry, loading the washer and moving wet laundry to the dryer, taking the recycling and trash to the curb on trash day, feeding the pets, loading the dishwasher and clearing the tables after meals, undressing his brothers, starting a bath, sweeping the kitchen floor, vacuuming!!!! I know there must be more as well...he is amazing.

Sam's reading is really taking off and everyday I hear him reading words he couldn't just days before. Now nearly six months into piano lessons, Sam is learning to read music and he continues to attend Sanchin-Ryu karate classes through the parks and recreation department. He is close to being able to ride his bike all over and to my great happiness, he still LOVES and needs to cuddle everyday. Sam just aims to please and is so rarely in any sort of trouble, though lately he has been testing out his "talking back" skills.
It is a real joy to have him home for the summer.

Sam's reading is really taking off and everyday I hear him reading words he couldn't just days before. Now nearly six months into piano lessons, Sam is learning to read music and he continues to attend Sanchin-Ryu karate classes through the parks and recreation department. He is close to being able to ride his bike all over and to my great happiness, he still LOVES and needs to cuddle everyday. Sam just aims to please and is so rarely in any sort of trouble, though lately he has been testing out his "talking back" skills.
It is a real joy to have him home for the summer.