Two Spring seasons have passed since I last held this:

Here's my baby on the moment of his birth in the place of his birth, two years later:

Otis is so cute! However, he is also two years old and he is intense. We've entered the tantrum stage and I just keep repeating my latest mantra, "This to shall pass". He is amazing talker with an extensive vocabulary and he is rarely quiet. When he stopped using the pacifier a few months ago, he began going to sleep at night on his own. Despite the challenging days we frequently have, most of our time together is very darling.
Spring is a good time to have a baby and I have about 5 friends with big, round, beautiful bellies right now! It is so much fun to be around women creating life.
I was hired by a friend to photograph her and her family in the weeks before the birth of her second baby. She looked amazing and it was such a joy.
Here are a few of my favorites:

I was also able to give my dear friend, Pam, a mother blessing.
It was a wonderful afternoon. She wrote about it in detail on her blog, with photos and all.
Pam is a true kindred spirit and I just love her.
Here's my baby on the moment of his birth in the place of his birth, two years later:
Spring is a good time to have a baby and I have about 5 friends with big, round, beautiful bellies right now! It is so much fun to be around women creating life.
I was hired by a friend to photograph her and her family in the weeks before the birth of her second baby. She looked amazing and it was such a joy.
Here are a few of my favorites:
I was also able to give my dear friend, Pam, a mother blessing.
It was a wonderful afternoon. She wrote about it in detail on her blog, with photos and all.