Whether it be that he is the third baby or that I am more comfortable with nature taking it's course in the realm of health issues; Otis had his first pediatrician appointment right after he became six months old.
He weighed 20 pounds and was 27 inches long! He is wearing size 12 months strongly and last night I put him in and 18 month size footed sleeper. His feet filled the slippers!
He sits really well now and is making major signs of movement. Today he scooted about 2 feet across the carpet while I was sitting in the chair beside him reading my book.
He's nursing like a champ again and all the issues we were having have subsided! I took Fenugreek and pumped for a while and then he started nursing lots and now I don't even need the Fenugreek anymore. We've been working with him on putting himself to sleep and sleeping longer stretches at night and he seems to be responding with ease. I am so glad. We had a very rough month where I was getting less than 4 hours of sleep a night. My under eye concealer was becoming my best friend. Last night he went down for a nap at 4:30 pm and slept until 4:30 am, nursed, then slept until 7 am!! That is a bit unusual, but we are getting from 8 pm until about 3 or 4 am now without a waking. I can lay him down in his crib awake and he'll just babble himself to sleep. So sweet.
He giggles and laughs a lot and has lots of babbling words like "ba, ba, ba" and "da, da, da", and "bumpfff". It is fun to hear him talk.
He's becoming more aware of strangers and will sometimes cry when a particularly large man gets too close to him and he is definitely my little "cling-on" most of the time. I have a great back-carrying pod that I love and wear him in a lot.
Otis has five teeth (three on bottom and two one top) and the sixth tooth is getting ready to push through any day. The teeth sure do help him with his eating! He can feed himself cheerios and little finger foods of the like. He seems to be doing fine with dairy baked into foods and I hope he'll be ok with milk and yogurt in a few months. He LOVES meat and tonight ate a piece of venison 2 inches in diameter!
He really is a a very jolly baby and I am so thankful. Getting ready to cr
News on the big brother front: Sam has a loose tooth on top and Arlo is making major potty training progress, though not without a fight.
More in the big kids later....