My newest pregnancy worry: in our last ultrasound, baby was breech. Though I still have 10 weeks or so remaining, I am worrying about him not turning. I have dreams about emergency C-sections and not being able to have the home-birth we so want to have. I know this is probably normal, but I can't help but think about it. I am pretty sure he turned, but I can't tell and I remember being able to tell with Sam. Matt assures me that I had this same worry with Sam...I can't remember!
Anyway, I have my next appointment with the midwives on Monday and I will ask them to feel around and see if they can tell if he's turned. I know all of the rationalizations...."he'll turn and if he doesn't then he'll come out one way or another and I will have my beautiful baby boy. That is what is most important..." But, I want a natural home birth. The experience is important to me. So many people don't seem to understand that. There are so many babies born everyday that the miracle of life we create has become lost and routine. The whole experience is so much more than that.
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