Friday, October 19, 2007


We've recently had some successes that are really making all of us feel good:

  1. Sam now tells us when he needs to use the potty for pee pee (poo poo is still harder for him to verbalize...we'll get there). I am not stressing about making sure he sits on the toilet every half an hour and he is much more relaxed too.
  2. Sam is beginning to like his school. After three days this week at school, he had progressed from needing me to stay and having lots of potty accidents to waving me goodbye before we've even made it to his classroom and having dry underwear all morning! Whew!
  3. Matt has an office with a view of the Veterinary school! He has been stressing about not having a work space and it came to him this week. He's been commuting by bus and carpooling and it seems to be working thus far.
  4. I am beginning to meet some other mothers. Slowly, but surely. I have met two in particular that I really enjoy. I am a part of a "professor's wives" play group that meets Friday mornings. I am pretty sure I like it, but it is a little elitist. I think I'll keep going for a while, and maybe for a long while, but we'll see. Most of the moms seem pretty cool.
  5. I was able to transfer the car title and get a MI driver's license (which was much harder than it should have been) after two trips to the Secretary of State (DMV).
  6. The boys seem to be settling in to the house and, as I write, are playing so well with toys in the living room. They really enjoy each other and after nearly 2 months here, I think they are getting used to the house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that school is going better for Sam!!! It won't be long and you'll be all settled in with a full schedule.
What a beautiful picture of you three :)

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