Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Big Steps

When I remember the potty training process with Sam it seems like it was such a long, rough road. He really resisted and thanks to my blog posts I can say with confidence that it took us the better part of a year to get him officially potty trained!

Arlo has been much more interested in the potty and the whole idea. 
He watches Sam and though he rarely asks to go or tells us when he needs to go, he doesn't fight it when I take him. Last night I sat him on the potty before bed and he pooped! Then again this morning he made a little deposit on the potty. I think if I am persistent and regular about taking him, he could be fully potty trained by the time the new baby comes. We'll see how this winter plays out, but I am going to shoot for that.


Anonymous said...

WTG Big Boy! :)
I hope Arlo is as easy peasy as Ian was, it was great.

karen said...

wow! that's great! i'm happy that it is going well!

Queen of Scatterville said...

That is awesome! W got it by the time he was 2. We haven't used diapers in a VERY long time here. I think it's easier for the 2nd and 3rd child, they just get it by watching.

Gizella said...

what a beautiful boy he is...and such joy on the potty!

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