Saturday, January 9, 2010


Matt took Sam and Arlo sledding this morning with another Dad friend and his three year old daughter.
I stayed behind with Otis. Besides the fact that he just had two immunizations on Thursday, he is also teething and that adds up a cranky baby...needless to say, I was hoping to get him to sleep and have some quiet time to fold laundry. Yes, you read that right, quiet time to fold laundry.

Things worked out as planned. Shower with baby. Give baby bottle (Otis hasn't nursed in 2 days. I think he has weaned. Not sure how I feel yet.) Put baby to sleep. Watch movie and fold laundry.

It was very nice...the quiet, that is. The quiet that lasted for 20 minutes when baby woke up and continued to be crabby.

Here is where the divine intervention occurred and I remembered our snow shoes in the basement.
I strapped them on and put Otis in his snow suit and into the backpacking kid pack and took off into Fenner Nature Center right out my front door.

The sun, cool air, exercise, quiet time in the woods did amazing things for me...and it put Otis to sleep.

I will be doing more snowshoeing. Pictures soon to follow.


dandelionlady said...

I love the idea of snoeshoing! I've never tried it, but I'll get there one of these days. I'm glad you got some time by yourself. It was nice to see you post again!

jane said...

Snowshoes!...sounds lovely...glad you had a nice afternoon. Sometimes allowing myself to just BE outside makes all the difference in the magic of my days!
Take care friend xoxo

Anonymous said...

where do you keep your pix online, facebook? this sounds amazing..some one on one time, and time with yourself. xo gizi

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