We don't normally sleep in this late, in fact, it is a very rare occasion that I am able to sleep past 9 a.m. However, we are traveling and sleeping in a hotel suite...or rather I should write that we are not sleeping...so needless-to-say, we were getting the sleep when we could, even if it meant sleeping past the free breakfast our hotel provides.
Otis is a very darling little boy and everyone who passes by him stops and smiles and comments on how cute he is! I am not lying...it is true! He smiles and waves and has a handful of words, including "Ha", which is meant to be "Hi" as he waves. We were walking around Louisville yesterday and Otis was in the stroller waving at anyone that walked past the stroller (which was a lot of people in downtown Louisville)...very cute.

He is still crawling everywhere with no real interest in walking other than the occasional burst of want to walk while holding my fingers. It last only for a moment and then passes once he remembers crawling is much, much, much faster.
At one year Otis is about 28 pounds and wears size 18 months solidly, some 24 months. He sleeps 12 hours most nights, though he just cut his first molar and has been sleeping very poorly lately (who can blame him?) He is a bit attached to me and quite a "mama's boy", but I don't mind one bit! In fact, I quite like it. He's my baby and always will be....
We had a sweet little party for Otis on the 12th at home before we left for Louisville and then today we celebrated at a quaint little buffet style restaurant here in Louisville. Because we'd slept in so late we missed breakfast, and we were wandering the streets in search of some food. Cunningham's was the first place we found that looked kid friendly. They gave us our own little room and we had an array of foods to choose from including chocolate cake! We sang to Otis once again and he was able to dig in deep to the chocolate cake! Pictures to follow....
I am sad and happy at this mark in time. Things are getting easier as he gets older, but of course I am thinking about all these experiences being my last ones with a baby. Each one is so special...as it was with Sam and Arlo. I feel like I appreciate things so much more this time around...and so I don't mind when I am the only one he wants, when he needs me to carry him everywhere, when I rock him to sleep and it takes an hour (okay, when it takes half an hour)...
Happy birthday Otis! I can't believe it has been a year already!
Happy Birthday Otis!!!
happy birthday otis, happy birth-day amanda!
cannot wait to meet him! so squeezy!
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