Friday, November 11, 2005


Sam woke up last night vomiting and continued to do so all night long. He nursed this morning and then puked that up too! He did manage to keep down half a banana for about a half an hour then lost it...though since then he's had crackers and some blanched apples and they have remained inside his tummy! So I canceled all of our plans today and Sam watched movies this morning, as he was so lethargic it suited him today. I baked bread, made chicken soup from scratch, fixed my repelling fuzzi bunz, put plastic over the windows in Sam's room for winter AND did all of the laundry from last night's barf-fest (5 loads)...just to top the morning off I also re-made all the beds and drank some tea. SO...I have really enjoyed our sick day! Am I sick for enjoying my son's sickness?

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