Monday, January 16, 2006

Portland...Part 2

Portland continued...

This conference, being agricultural, was predominately male. I have never attended a conference with Matt that was this big and out of state. So, I was under the assumption that there would be more "wives" there and that I would have more interaction with adults. I did not, however and was a little disappointed about that. The first day we were there a social gathering was hosted so that the conference attendees (and spouses/families...of which we were the only family, only 2 other spouses) could socialize and have a few pre-dinner drinks and catch up. It was rather formal and all the men looking nice (a work casual) had drinks in hand, were forming little groups all over the ballroom with old AG friends and co-workers chatting. Then Matt, Sam and I arrive. All of a sudden there is this toddler running around, weaving in and out of legs and under the tables and up and down and up and down the was all I could do to keep up with him and keep him happy. (This is after doing this all day in the city in the rain.) Matt offered to get me a drink and then take Sam so I could chat a little with the few folks I knew. As he was winding his way through the crowd to the bar, I lost him and found myself lodged in the middle of three men. One of them men, very tall, said loudly to me, "Who are you?, Why are you here?" I politely said I was Matt's wife and Sam and I were along for the fun in the city. He continued to go on about how he knew Matt and how he thought Matt's glasses looked very dorky! Then he told me how attractive he thought I was and wondered if I was trying to sell Sam so I could be alone!! I was appalled and nervous and angry and lost. I didn't quite know how to respond, but managed something polite and then quickly wiggled myself away from him. UGH! I always attract the crazies! So, later, drink in hand, I was able to chat with the few folks I knew and it ended up being a nice event. However, after that I stayed clear of the conference "activities"!

Thus, I spent the remainder of the trip with just Sam and occasionally Matt. I enjoyed my time there, but it was a lot of work!! More work than being at home with Sam!! I never though I'd say it, but I am not sure I will go with Matt to another conference until the kid(s) are older! A toddler in the city is trouble waiting to happen! When we'd walk on the sidewalk Sam wanted to walk on his own without holding my hand. Which was fine, but I had to be so extremely attentive as he has NO street smarts (after all he is only 20 months). Then if I tried to hold his hand he'd make a big stink, so being in the stroller was better for me, except then Sam didn't like it. The buses require you to hold the kids on your lap and they can't be in a stroller...that was something Sam didn't like. PLUS, the buses were so crowded that the stroller seemed to take up so much space and just be in the way. Not to mention the rain again....

I don't want to sound like I am complaining...I shouldn't be, but it was much, much harder and more lonely that I though it was going to be.

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