Thursday, March 16, 2006


There are so many things/people that have been inspiring me lately. Here are a few who help:

1. Skiing. Every time I go skiing I feel so refreshed. The exercise is meditative and I become so focused on my body and my environment. I love it. I am going to morrow afternoon and can't wait.

2. Yoga. I have a new morning yoga class at the YMCA. I begin my Thursdays with so much balance and peace.

3. Scatterville. She is attachment parenting, unschooling...raising 3 phenomenal kids, gutting a house and still has time to create artsy, practical things. Check her out!

4. Undercoverhippie. This woman has two awesome kids she is so patient with, a Douala business, countless groups and organizations she is involved with and she still has time to call me up and tell my she likes my website! I love her!

5. Jane. This is the woman I talk to everyday of my life (just about). I can barely get through my day without my morning coffee and my chat with Jane. She is in the middle of buying a house, raising her sweet boy, getting ready to grow for the market, finding a job...I am humbled by her energy and positivity.

6. Yarn. Just looking at my yarn makes me feel inspired! I love yarn!

7. My Mom and Dad. They both just retired and seem so happy to just be together. They don't seem to do a whole lot...but then again they have spent the last 30 years running around crazy, so who can blame them?

8. My sweet sister. She is on the eternal search for the perfect job. She always seems to have a good outlook on her prospects.

9. The spring rain. The hillside by our house is getting so green and it makes me feel so happy for the gardening that is almost upon us.

10. Matt. My dear husband who tries so hard to keep me happy and does a fabulous job. I wonder how he manages to stay sane sometimes.

11. Sam. His outlook on life is fabulous and when I remember to let go of the "rules", I enjoy it with him too. We spent most of the afternoon outside today in the rain jumping in puddles. It was great.

12. Our community. The active people in our community are wonderful. I have recently become closer with a woman that really enjoys life and is so active with many aspects of this town. I love my friendship with her. We talk about everything and I learn so much from her, plus she never makes me feel like I am an irresponsible parent because of the way I allow Sam to explore. She is a wonderful and creative mother and artist and community activist. Cheers to you Sherri!

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