Sunday, March 12, 2006

Fast and Busy Week

The first week with Jaadyn went very well. He and Sam play so sweetly together (except when Sam gets a surge of jealousy and steals a toy...or two) and I managed to get all my normal things done while Jaadyn was here. I also feel more compelled to get outside with both boys here and so we took some great walks around the neighborhood, including down the canal to feed the horse. The boys LOVED that. We also finger painted and read books, played outside in the yard...lots of fun!

On Friday I hired a friend to watch Sam and I took Jaadyn to the first organizational meeting for our Wenatchee Valley Farmer's Market. I went as a comminuty member hoping to give some feedback and share ideas with an alterior motive of getting the board to recognize me and hopefully become a board member for this growing season and many to come. It was an awsome meeting! I was so energized and I could tell that I energized the board. My good friend Sherri called me friday night and left the most wonderful message that said how I had lit a fire under the boards' butt and all afternoon they were so excited and inspired and she thinks I'll be on the board soon! I felt so good at the meeting, so inspired and excited about something meaningful. I haven't felt this way since I first began teaching and with teaching it only lasted 6-8 months! I think I may have found my next non-parenting avenue in life. Jaadyn did amazing too! He sat on my lap and drew with markers, played with his cars, played with some ice...but he was quiet and happy for the entire 3 hours! I could never have brought Sam to this meeting. He would have been climbing the walls and pulling down the fake trees...those of you who know Sam know what I mean( I am reading Raising Your Spirited Child and it seems to all apply to Sam).

Last night Matt and I (Sam at home with a babysitter) went to Mission Ridge to meet 28 others for a Midway dinner party! We took the lift up to the Midway restaurant at 6:00 p.m.(the ridge closes at 4 p.m.) and had a fabulous dinner and drinks with friends and then we skiied down at 9:30 p.m. by moonlight! It was so beautiful! We could see the lights from the city and everything around us had a surreal glow that was unforgettable.

During dinner I sat across from an OBGYN from Seattle. Of course, I took this opportunity to ask her a million questions about birth and pregnancy and the policies in her hospital, etc. She is an OBGYN I would love to have access to. She does not belive in: circumcision, episiotomies (nor does she perform them), unnecessary C-sections, and she will perform VBAC's!! I couldn't believe it! She was awsome and I really enjoyed my conversation with her. She did tell me that she doesn't consider a couple serious about trying to get pregnant unless the mother is not nursing...I didn't like that. Oh, well...not everyone is perfect.

This morning, as usual, I skiied while Matt stayed with Sam. The skiing was great and I met an older (70's) man that I really enjoyed. We skiied together and he bought me a cup of cocoa. He shared stories of the valley and stories about the geology of the valley, along with life stories and love stories. I really enjoyed my morning with Bill.

Now, Sam sleeps as he fell asleep at 5 p.m. watching a video with Matt and I. We all fell asleep and I woke to find Sam dead asleep with no waking him. So, we moved him to bed in hopes that he is out for the night...we'll see.

Tomorrow begins a new week in which I only have Jaadyn one day. I am actually kind of sad, as I really enjoyed having him around.

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