Thursday, May 11, 2006


Well, I haven't written much in a while, as there isn't much new here. Just trying to get through this first trimester (almost there, another week to go!) and salvage my house and family. My visit with the midwife at 9 weeks, after an internal exam, showed that my uterus is growing about 2 weeks larger that my actual gestation. Just like with Sam! I am beginning to feel better. The mornings are good, but by afternoon and definately evening, I am tired and then feeling sick around 8 pm. So I try to get most things done in the morning and so far so good. I am not napping everyday, like I was, but some days I still need them.

We meet with the midwife on Monday to hear the heartbeat and I am excited for that, as we haven't heard it yet.

Next week is Sam's 2nd birthday! I am planning a little playgroup party..should be fun!

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