Today is my birthday. For some reason I expected the universe to recognize that and make my day smooth and seamless. As I sit here trying to obtain some sense of calm, I am listening to my three boys, wild from our day of no structure and frantic racing around town, crash toys and scream from tiredness in the other room.
We are supposed to be leaving in 15 minutes to meet friends and family at a chinese restaurant for a celebratory dinner. Something tells me this dinner may be very chaotic...chiming right in with the rest of my day.
Since little (there have been a few very sweet moments) has brought me pleasure today, I attempted to gain some peace and I saw this blog via another friend's lovely blog that so frequently brings me solace. Seeing the travel journal of a newly wed couple only made my life feel so much more hectic...I was jealous. Jealous of seemingly unending and uninterrupted time with a spouse; a photographic career of epic proportions and talent and jealous of the quiet. I don't like feeling jealous.
I have decided that despite the fact that today is the day I arrived in to this world 33 years ago; I will attempt to find my joy in the future of the year ahead tomorrow and the next day....
...because it doesn't really matter what day you were born. Life can be celebrated everyday.
i am totally, completely jealous of their adventure too. sometimes i find myself dreaming of a time when my future kids will be old enough to be left with a grandparent and perhaps luke and i could take a week and go somewhere. how sad is that? just a week away seems so extravagant.
i am also jealous of you! how you manage your life and balance with a husband, 3 boys, a garden and farm, events at your house and being so active in the community. harvesting your own chickens?!? you, seriously, are my hero. i hope you believe me!
happy birthday, friend.
"because it doesn't really matter what day you were born. Life can be celebrated everyday"
Amen sister!! Definitely a sentiment to live by.
Hope the days following your birthday have been a little more peaceful. :)
Hey, Girl your not that old cheer up your the world's best photographer/Artist and one of my best knitting students ever! It can't be all that bad.
I am sorry that I missed the hectic day that you had. I think that I have had a few of those before.
Keep knitting when you have time it's good therapy. Check out this book if you can it's a good one I just got it for myself. It called, "Knitting 24/7" and it by: Veronik Avery. It is for people with crazy schedules and busy life that want to knit and don't have time to. Miss you!
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