Thursday, August 4, 2005

New Beginnings

We have been in Wenatchee, Washington exactly 13 days. I am slowly beggining to meet a community of mothers, families and friends that will make up my and my family's existence here in Central Washington. Moving is so hard! When we moved to Kansas from Montana (before Sam, our 14 month old son), I don't remember having any of the feelings I am having now...fear, peace, anxiety, excitement, love, many conflicting emotions. It is making my transition much harder. This afternoon I will accompany a new friend, Monica, to a puppet show and then to a local pool so our kids can play. I am hopeful and nervous and excited...again so many emotions, my body is in overload! How many times can a person have new beginnings such as these and remain stable and consistent? This is round 3 for me...we'll see where I end up.

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