Sunday, September 21, 2008

House Fire

We had a house fire last night. It was very scary, but we are all fine. Even the cat and the dog are fine. 

The fire started in a light switch in Sam's room and it spread very fast. 

There was a lot of damage from fire, water, and smoke, but most of our valuables and furniture on the lower level are okay. 

We stayed with close friends last night and will be here tonight and then the insurance company is putting us up in a hotel for 11 days after which they will find a house for us. It will likely be 2-3 months before we can move back in to our house.

The boys are doing really well. They were very freaked out yesterday, but they are very comfortable with our friends and seem to be adjusting to the changes okay.

I'll post with more detail later. In the mean time, just know that we have been taken care of very well. The Red Cross gave us disaster funds for food and diapers, friends have brought clothes and shoes for all of us, and we are fairing with grace.

I do have photos and will post them later, but they are pretty disturbing. Please don't worry, call if you want and I'll talk if I can.


Anonymous said...

Oh Amanda! I'm so glad you are all alright!!! You are all in my thoughts sister...hope to talk with you soon. xoxo

Tara said...

Oh my goodness! I am so glad you are okay, but that is so horrible! Good luck recovering from it all... I will try to call tomorrow!

Kristen said...

Oh my goodness... SERIOUSLY, if you need ANYTHING let me know!! I will ship it with your birthday stuff... no I didn't forget (even if I am 21 days late)... I'm just lame for not being in touch! :( How scary that must have been. I am so glad that everyone is OK. You are always in my thoughts!

Gizella said...

i didn't know you had a birthday..are you a virgo too? I'm so relieved no one is injured. That is everyone's nightmare...I will call soon, when it dies down a bit. Lots of love from our house to yours!xoxo gizi and josh and veronica

Stacey said...

Hi Amanda,
Krista and I were wondering if you needed anything. We are really close, so babysitting would be an option.
Also, do you or Matt need clothes or anything? Did your yarn survive?


wildflour said...

Oh Amanda, I am soo glad you all are OK. How terrifying it all must have been! I'm so sorry this happened! when things settle in I'd love to hear your voice on the phone!!
Take good care and thinking of you all!!

Anonymous said...

OMG,Amanda!!! I am so happy you are all ok. I hope it will be nice to start new with some things.

I would love to talk to you!! I am not doing Email these days so please call me!! i miss you!!509-860-9189

Sarah Cavanaugh!

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